Tuesday, August 31, 2010

my problem

it is obviously, my problem among us~

from when we are getting farther~
from when we have different topic~
from when u start to hate my characteristic, which i used and never change since b4~
from when? from when?
i really do not know~

yes, it's only my problem, among us.
none of u is having a trouble in surviving in the group, unless me.
i admit, admitting, admitted.

maybe, u are started to think that, I shouldnt behaving like b4~
maybe, u are started to think that, you couldnt accept wat im behaving like b4~
maybe, u are started to think that, I shouldnt alive beside you anymore~
maybe, u are started to think that, you couldnt be happy if I am still beside you anymore~

no worry people,
I will be leave for the most real one after a 7 months~
time flies~
just try to patience in these 7 months~
then, people, you will be free~
trust me..
i will never appear anymore~

i will do this, if u hope me to do so~

i still love u, people~
deep in my heart, deep like, nobody know that, i care u all~

crossing my fingers, and pray for you people!

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