Monday, July 27, 2009

Melaka Trip - Day 2

day 2, they were in melaka.

i brought my Nintendo Wii to harn's home~
everyone is still sleeping

girls sleep in harn's room
guys all sleep in the living room

tat scene just like a human trading market..
everyone is lying on the floor with unconscious mind..

i was bored til find harn's sisters to chit chating
well, our relationship enhanced again today..

the ppl are waking up continuously..

harn asked me to install Wii for everyone
there are 12 ppl of them, and they have to take bath 1 by 1..
Wii is the best thing to kill the time..

im always happy in seeing people enjoying with my Wii..
warm and happiness!
they really have fun in the games
they also shoot photo and videos when the others are gaming!!

everyone is ready, finished bathing, cleared everything~

so, the trip of the day is begin!

1st destination
so called the best Hainanese Chicken Rice Ball in Melaka
actually, it's very near to harn's house only..
both of us, 13 ppl, we walked to the shop to take the BRUNCH~
2 chickens, 230 rice balls!
our record..
cost us RM80++
but, harn's papa treat us..
thankyou uncle!

2nd destination
the temple
the oldest and well known in Melaka as well as Malaysia.
u really cant imagine that
the previous night, they are crazy and playing in the club
then in the current moment, they are very sincere in praying to the god~
ya, the truth tells me, we are human being.. Orz
along the road, there are some boutique and souvenirs shop
we were stopping by and have a look~

3rd destination
Tan Kim Hock @ Ujong Pasir
some of them want to buy some local production of Melaka
therefore, way to Tan Kim Hock was reached
besides shopping, both of us also hunger for the Melaka Nyonya Cendol..
Harn and me have choose the Durian flavor, cost us RM5
rest thr, eat thr, buy thr, sit thr, chit-chat thr..

it's time to say bye~
times really pass fastest!
they hv to back KL..
harn's go in their car, n i bring them to the way to the highway~

girls and guys
thx for willing gimme a chance to "service" u in these 2 days
come again ya!
we havent went the Taming Sari, Eye on Malaysia, Air Panas, the nyonya asam laksa, A' Famosa, boat rowing along the Melaka River and so on!!

Take Care and All The Best!
See you all soon!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Melaka Trip - Day 1

I was had a Melaka trip with darl's uni friends from various places.
sarawak, sabah, pahang, KL, johor, penang........ so on..

as the malaccan, im the tour guide for tis 2 days 1 night trip..

due to some reason, they had a late off from KL to melaka.
around 4pm, they reach here..
well, this is really not a good timing..

just forget it.
the trip is began!

1st destination:
Dataran Pahlawan & Mahkota Parade
Come on, KL has so many shopping malls!
so, went to this 2 malls is not for shopping
but just parking in MP, then walked to DP.. hehe
they r hungry, nvr eat anything.
therefore, went to Big Apple to buy some donuts..
they eat la, i went to buy fruits.. hehe~

2nd destination:
A' Famosa
the icon in Melaka.
darl said, some of them from EM, so let them have a look wor..
awkful me.. dunno y ==
ya, im emo and strange and weird person..
but we do have some funs on the top of the hill..

3rd destination:
Capitol Satay Celup
the food icon in melaka..
guess what?
We have been qued up for about 1 hour thr ><"
gosh! i nvr que long just for a dinner...
but did fun thr..
n, i m not really took much..
no apetite, i think..

4th destination:
Jonker Street, Melaka River, Musical Waterfall
they are linked
so, we have went these places in a time..
hot sial ><"

5th destination:
Taming Sari
but mission failed!
it's too late.. 12am++ ppl close dy la~

6th destination:
Eyes on Malaysia
mission failed too!!
too late!!
but we hv took pic thr..
in the palia parking field..

7th destination:
Pure Bar
1st time 12am++ went thr
1st time i stay til 2am++
1st time i purchased a black label ><"
we did leave earlier..
bcoz, mata-mata is thr..
it's terrible for me..
i was stress til the max, with no reason =="
friend asked me to leave now, mata-mata is coming..
i scare.. i really scare..
n then, i saw few ppl are fully drunk thr~
n the scenario is hyper terrible~
i was got shock, and i almost collapse and cry immediately..
but, luckily, both of us leave the place b4 the checking is begin..
thank god!
i will never go to any clubbing without my darl..
i swear..
if i do so, pls kill me immediately..!! i m serious here..
i really cant adapt so called clubbing life..

8th destination:
find hotel for them
what the fuck!!
Melaka was lesser ppl today but all hotels full house ><"
no choice, they went to darl's place to sleep 1 night..

i know more ppl today
i not really can mention their names
but i really did had fun with u girls and guys~

for friendships~ ^^

Friday, July 10, 2009

first task

the first report and presentation in this sem
is finally done..
but i did badly..


n really serious decided
to change my phone asap..

its battery or the supply is not function well..
and i always miss the calling from everyone..


seriously exploring the cheapest price of
Nokia 5800 XM black...

next mission, human resource management midterm exam fell on next saturday


Saturday, July 4, 2009

stress =(

week 3 is just over.
week 4 is heading here.

guess wat

especially the Marketing Management subject
assignments separated to 2 parts
- cases studies
- marketing plan
what so stress?
my group members are not familiar to me, me too =_=
we dunno each other
im stress when working with them
i know, this will be happened in working place in the future
but for now, i really can't manage to do it
i am just feeling inferior to myself deeply..

now is just week 4
it's 10 weeks to go T_________T
4 cases to do
2 cases to present

kill me ba god!!

i really started to suspect that,
am i have chosen a course that im not suitable much >_<


i miss u
dun abandon me
dun hurt me
i nid ur voice, to calm me

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

life now

hitz FM, when i m driving
Gossip Girl, when i m free to watch

study, assignment is coming..

n planning to get a new phone


wat the fuck!

troublesome life!!