Saturday, July 4, 2009

stress =(

week 3 is just over.
week 4 is heading here.

guess wat

especially the Marketing Management subject
assignments separated to 2 parts
- cases studies
- marketing plan
what so stress?
my group members are not familiar to me, me too =_=
we dunno each other
im stress when working with them
i know, this will be happened in working place in the future
but for now, i really can't manage to do it
i am just feeling inferior to myself deeply..

now is just week 4
it's 10 weeks to go T_________T
4 cases to do
2 cases to present

kill me ba god!!

i really started to suspect that,
am i have chosen a course that im not suitable much >_<


i miss u
dun abandon me
dun hurt me
i nid ur voice, to calm me

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