Saturday, April 11, 2009

10 April 2009

it's april le~

we went out

11 people in the day

thiam aik, pei ching, gin, hwa chye, katryn, zi jie(kat's bf), peng peng, yu jie (peng's bf), ying too, ling zhi, and me!!!

went tesco to buy beers~
1 dozen of heineken and ice~
and then, i brought a champaign for those non-alchoholic..

snacks thr
talk thr
sing thr

oppssss, where is thr?
the beach again..

bcoz of the rainy before
the beach tat night is damn smelly ><

by the way

i took 2 heinekn
break my record looo..

body drunk..
coz i knw im imbalance when im walking
mind no drunk..
i knw wat m i doin as well!! ^^

but i sing loud at the mamak..
shocked my fren la ><"



ayam golek..
tis time i dare to eat liao..
taste nice~
n also the roti john..

jz a simple nice as i thought before~

no complicated anymore~

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