Thursday, August 13, 2009

done another

i hv done another case study presentation

still badly sial..


how much i prepare, still useless

coz, when i stand in front
i will forgot my little notes n elaborate all the thing myself

if i can elaborate well, it doesn't matter, hence it would b a toastmaster skill for me

i always present badly

i dunno y

im not afraid to face the public
supposed i hv the experience in my st. john life, lecture front, speech front, communicate with the public and etc

but in presentation
i cant speak well
i got the point
but i cant manage to build the sentence
n pronounce it perfectly!!


marketing management is a course that need to present more and more
i hv to work hard to success n overcome this barrier..


btw, the monday just passed
our beloved pal THC had an accident nearby the campus
dangerous but god really blessed him well
he is ok
just a little bit sprain and no any bleeding n injury at all
thank god

pal, u shld thank god too
n pray more ya~ hehe =)


btw again, next coming monday
our beloved girl kim will go for her 2nd presentation in this sem
aunty, Orz
listen to the lecturer
read more
u sure can present well
dun b afraid
just show ur potential
like when u worked in Levi's

me, chiameng, aik, chye, edward
we will support u on the audience seats
u must +U+U+U!!!

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