Saturday, August 15, 2009


a very strange vocabulary to everyone, like me

if there was nothing happen, none of us will get know this name

a type of typhoon

which happened in South Taiwan.

last year, in the same date and day, every Chinese in the world was happy
our ancestors' motherland - China was held the opening ceremony of Olympic Games

a year after the happiness
Morakot was came and gave the victims a tragedy

there are a number of villages was damaged and destroyed!
there are a huge number of victims who dead and disappeared!
there are a enormous number of victims who is still alive but lost their families and relatives!


AH1N1 is spreading around the world
Taiwan is one of the country
the virus is haven't go yet
but the typhoon was came
a super double attack to them!!


im touched when ppl out of southern are enthusiasm in the rescue effort

i was regreting here.
i cant do anything
even donate for 100 bucks..

pls stop joking with human
we are not strong like You
we only have limited sources, limited energy..

give them back their home
give them back their life
give them back their love

they need Your rescue

to all the dead victims

Dun give up
to all the alive victims

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